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Training Delivery Methods


Watch wherever and whenever. Gain VIP access to a rich catalog of easy-to-follow video courses that empower you to create solutions for your project, business, or university.


Live, instructor-led training taught online. Master PeopleSoft from anywhere! Ask questions and get answers in real-time so you can apply what you learn to accomplish your goals.


Live, instructor-led training on your schedule. Choose from our existing topics or work with our team to create a tailor-made agenda. Let us help you achieve your project objectives!

Through JSMpros on-demand training I gained the experience I needed to finish our PeopleTools Fluid project. Because of tight timelines, I wasn’t able to take time away from the project. Recorded training let me train on my schedule.

Jim’s PeopleTools material is superior in every way! He was always there to answer questions. He walked us through exercises as needed. We are already planning our next training event!


Train whenever and where ever through JSMpros digitally mastered, recorded PeopleTools training. Receive the same best-in-class training as live virtual, but learn at your pace.

  • 60-days access
  • *Bring your own server
  • Train on your time
  • Digitally mastered recordings
  • Completion certificates
  • Ask questions and get answers through e-mail

*Please note, JSMpros does not provide training servers for on-demand students. You are responsible for your own server. If you have access to My Oracle Support, but do not have access to a PeopleSoft instance, you may build one by following the instructions provided by our peers at psadmin.io. They offer a free course that demonstrates how to build your own PeopleSoft environment that runs on a laptop.


Live, instructor-led training taught in a virtual classroom. Connect with peers, ask questions, hear answers, and experience the synergy of group learning!

  • Training servers provided
  • Activity guides
  • Closed-captioning
  • State-of-the-art broadcasting studio
  • Interactive
  • Get real-time assistance
  • Share ideas with colleagues
  • Best-in-class delivery
  • *Recording available

*Recording is available to attendees for a nominal fee.

We broadcast our training from a professional, high-quality studio. Attendees join through GoToTraining. Attendees may communicate with the instructor and other attendees through audio or live chat.

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By Request

Do you have a team of 8 or more? Contact us to find out how we can save you time and money when training a team. Our flat-rate group pricing becomes cost-effective for groups of 8 or more attendees.

Regardless of your team size, we can save you money with a custom agenda. Pick and pay for just the topics that interest your team!