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PeopleSoft Query 1: Basic Query HCM (Activity Guide)

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PeopleSoft Query Basics

Fetch and Analyze PeopleSoft Data

  • SQL Basics
  • Selecting Data
  • Filtering Data
  • Prompts
  • Joins
  • Aggregate Functions

Learn tips and techniques to fetch your data from PeopleSoft’s database!


60-days access
$2,354 USD


Two days
$2,354 USD


Everything for a full year!
$6,700 USD

Topics Covered

  • SQL
  • Query Manager
  • Modifying queries
  • Creating queries
  • Finding your data
  • Distinct queries
  • Effective dating
  • Criteria and conditions
  • Prompts
  • Hierarchy and related joins
  • Aggregate functions
  • Best practices

Who Should Attend?

  • Functional analysts
  • Functional users
  • PeopleSoft Developers
  • Administrators

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