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PeopleTools 2

Intermediate PeopleSoft Development

Apply advanced concepts

  • SQL, Query, and Dynamic Views
  • Search records and keys
  • Display-only pages
  • Prompt tables
  • Subrecords and subpages
  • Deferred processing
  • Advanced page design

Develop better solutions faster by leveraging PeopleSoft metadata

Pricing and Availability


Check out our
PeopleTools 1 and 2 Accelerated


Two accelerated days!


This course is included with
an annual subscription.

About Delivery Options

Topics Covered

  • SQL, Query, and Dynamic views
  • Search record keys and views
  • Read-only summary pages
  • Prompt table edits
  • Reusable subrecords and subpages
  • Deferred and interactive processing
  • Hyperlinks and buttons
  • Collapsible data areas
  • Secondary pages
  • Message catalog
  • Rich text
  • Popup pages
  • Images
  • Table set control

Who Should Attend?

  • PeopleSoft Developers