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90 Minutes of REST

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90 minutes of REST-based services!

  • Understanding REST
  • Designing REST APIs
  • Producing REST
  • PeopleCode and multiple URI templates
  • Application Service Framework
  • Best practices, tips, and tricks!

What You’ll Learn

  • The definition of REST and what makes it different from SOAP and WS-*
  • How to configure PeopleSoft as a REST endpoint (provider)
  • Construct and serve REST services that have multiple URI templates
  • Produce JSON through native PeopleCode objects
  • Understand the differences between standard REST and the PeopleSoft Application Services Framework
  • Experience the PeopleCode difference between standard Integration Broker services and Application Services

Who Should Attend?

  • PeopleSoft Developers

Students typically complete this material within 90 minutes.